Effective Home Remedies You Can Try To Keep Fleas At Bay

Fleas are a time-consuming pest for homeowners to deal with and can become very difficult to eliminate, especially if your home is in a highly populated area. In some cases, flea infestations can happen after the move of just one cat or small animal into a new home, which means that you will have to continue trying different methods until they are gone. Here effective of the most effective ways that we’ve found to keep these pesky bugs at bay!

Top Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Fleas

Fleas are one of the most common pests that people face. They can be a real nuisance and can cause a lot of damage to your property.

There are many different ways you can get rid of fleas, and some of the most effective methods involve using home remedies.

Here Are 10 Effective Home Remedies You Can Try To Get Rid Of Fleas:

1. Flea Trap: One of the simplest and most effective methods for getting rid of fleas is to use a flea trap. This trap uses sticky pads that capture the fleas as they jump onto it.

2. Garlic: Garlic is one of the oldest and most popular home remedies for getting rid of fleas. You can either crush garlic cloves and put them in a jar or add them to your pet’s food. The garlic will repel the fleas and help to protect your pet from them.

3. Apple Cider Vinegar: Apple cider vinegar is another great remedy for getting rid of fleas. You can mix apple cider vinegar with water and spray it onto your property or onto your pets. The acidity in the apple cider vinegar will kill the fleas.

How Effective Are These Home Remedies?

Fleas can be a nuisance for both humans and animals, and many people try to find ways to get rid of them. Some of the most common home remedies for fleas are ineffective, and some can even be dangerous.

One common method for getting rid of fleas is to use a flea bomb. These bombs are filled with chemicals that kill fleas and other insects. However, these bombs can also be dangerous if they are used incorrectly. They can release harmful chemicals into the air, and they can also cause burns when they explode.

Another common method for getting rid of fleas is to use a vacuum cleaner with a flea attachment. However, this approach is also not always effective. Vacuum cleaners can remove only the adult fleas, which may not be enough to prevent the return of the pests. In addition, vacuum cleaners can be very noisy and irritating, which may irritate the pets or the homeowners themselves.

There are other methods that are more effective but less invasive. For example, you can treat your home with insecticidal soap or DE larvicide. 

What Are The Side Effects Of These Home Remedies?

There are many effective home remedies that can be used to keep fleas control services at bay. Some of the side effects of these remedies may include scratching, redness, and irritation. However, most of these remedies are very safe and do not have any major side effects.

Some of the most common home remedies for fleas include making a natural repellent out of cedar oil, using a flea collar, using diatomaceous earth, and using organic traps. Cedar oil is a natural repellent that can be applied to the skin or used in a diffuser. It has anti-inflammatory properties and can be used to treat various skin conditions. 

Flea collars work by releasing a chemical that repels fleas. Diatomaceous earth is a type of earth made up of small fossilized shells that kills fleas on contact. It can also be used in a diffuser to make a Flea & Tick Repellent. Organic traps use insects to attract and kill fleas.

What If You Have Fleas On Your Dog?

Fleas are small, brown insects that live on the bodies of animals such as dogs and cats. They can also live on other warm-blooded animals, such as humans.

If you have fleas on your dog, there are a few things you can do to try to keep them at bay. First, you should treat your dog with an effective flea treatment. There are many different types of flea treatments available, so it is important to find one that works best for your dog. You should also vacuum your house regularly to get rid of any fleas that may be living there. Finally, make sure you keep your dog groomed regularly so that they don’t bring any fleas into the house in the first place.


Fleas can be a major annoyance, not just for humans but also for our pets. There are many effective home remedies that you can try to keep fleas at bay, and the best part is that most of them are relatively easy to implement. Make sure to check out our list below and find the one or two that work best for you. If all else fails, consider using a flea product although it is important to remember that not all products work equally well and some may even have adverse effects on your pet. Hire to professional pest control for flea control services.